About Me

About Me

Greetings! I’m Maria and I live in rural Minnesota with my husband and two young boys. In 2013, I read Tim Ferriss’ Four-Hour Work Week (paid link) and was blown away by the possibilities it presented.

Our family on the beaches of Picton, New Zealand.

Namely, the idea of working from anywhere in the world and the ability to change your scenery without necessarily changing your job.

I love to travel, but I had two young kids, a husband, a house, and I’d recently started my own public relations consulting business. I didn’t feel like I was in any position to travel anywhere outside of the Upper Midwest any time soon. But after reading Tim’s book and doing some of my own research into it, I became more enamored with the idea of a workation: My creative brain loved the excitement of working from another country and my practical, Type A brain loved the idea of not giving up my job/income/financial stability.

After about a year of family planning, we left for four weeks to live and work in Barcelona (our boys were 2 and 4 at the time). A year later, we spent 6 weeks in Wellington, New Zealand. Two years later, we headed to London.

This is site gives you resources, ideas, an in-depth guide and real-life stories of families that have decided to shake up their lives with a workation. To travel the world while keeping their day jobs, their families, and some sanity 🙂

Take a look through the articles and drop me a line if you have a suggestion or question!